sexta-feira, 9 de julho de 2010

Ann Radcliffe

Ann Radcliffe 
09 de Julho de 1764 a 07 de Fevereiro de 1823

(Feliz Aniversário)

"The carriages were at the gates at an early hour; the bustle of the 
domestics, passing to and fro in the galleries, awakened 
Emily from harassing slumbers: her unquiet mind had, 
during the night, presented her with terrific images and obscure 
circumstances, concerning her affection and her future life. 
She now endeavoured to chase away the impressions they 
had left on her fancy; but from imaginary evils she awoke 
to the consciousness of real ones. 
Recollecting that she had parted with Valancourt, perhaps 
for ever, her heart sickened as memory revived. 
But she tried to dismiss the dismal forebodings that crowded on 
her mind, and to restrain the sorrow which she could 
not subdue; efforts which diffused over the 
settled melancholy of her countenance an expression 
of tempered resignation, as a thin veil, thrown over the features 
of beauty, renders them more interesting by a partial concealment. 
But Madame Montoni observed nothing in this countenance 
except its usual paleness, which attracted her censure. 
She told her niece, that she had been indulging in fanciful sorrows, 
and begged she would have more regard for decorum, 
than to let the world see that she could not renounce 
an improper attachment; at which Emily's pale cheek became 
flushed with crimson, but it was the blush of pride, 
and she made no answer. Soon after, Montoni entered the breakfast 
room, spoke little, and seemed impatient to be gone."

Ann Radcliffe - The Mysteries of Udolpho

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